Ten years ago I elaborated my first project on children in jail without guilt, after have read an article about Teresa, a seventeen months old child, which lived in the “bunker court” of Rome’s Rebibbia jail. Her mother was condemned for drug trafficking”. The article had several photos, but one image in particular stroked me: a child that walked trough a corridor with her hands behind, imitating one the typical gestures of “fresh air walk” of the prisoners. She was also learning to speak her first words: “vitto” (jail food) instead of “pappa” (baby food) and then “cell”, “visit”, “fresh air”, “agent, you open!”. From this day I’ve never abandoned the idea of making a film on it. I knew it would be very difficult to represent visually this very complex reality, so I have tried to reconstruct the day of a child who has lived the dramatic experience of imprisonment without guilt, in particular at the moment of the visit to the mother still in jail. The way towards the Jail unavoidably brings Vito back in time.